Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Module Recycle v1.0 for Blackberry

If you feel your phone become slow, maybe it just needs to be cleaned. As we know, Some app are not been completely uninstalled are still stay in your phone. Now with Module Recycle, you could clean your phone conveniently. Case Study: Run Module Recycle, all the modules of the app installed at your phone will be listed, no modules will be missed, then please select the one you do not use or which was not completely uninstalled, do delete.
1. Could index all modules, even for the ones difficult to find or installed;
2. Completely uninstall, make your phone become fast;
3. Easy to operate, even you are fresh at BlackBerry, no difficult.
TRIAL 3 days.
Instruction (FREE) :
Send Email to cs@mmmooo.com
Subject : Need Unlock Module Recycle
Message : Module Recycle pin x( x = your pin number )
wait 1×24 hour , check folder spam or junk mail.
Download from app world : http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/52390
OTA : http://goo.gl/jx8c9

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