When I want to make a long distance call, I need to press some prefix number (such as 001 or 006) to get cheaper rates. For frequently called number, I usually add the number with prefix into address book. But for other numbers, adding this number was always a hassle to me.
My solution is to write a program that can add any prefix to outgoing call. I can just go to address book, select Dial with prefix and choose my predefined prefix. This program will also add Edit Number to quickly edit a number (temporarily), a feature that is common in Symbian phones.
Os 4 : http://compactbyte.com/bb/download/bbdialprefix/4.5/bbdial_prefix.jad
Os 5 : http://compactbyte.com/bb/download/bbdialprefix/5.0/bbdial_prefix.jad
My solution is to write a program that can add any prefix to outgoing call. I can just go to address book, select Dial with prefix and choose my predefined prefix. This program will also add Edit Number to quickly edit a number (temporarily), a feature that is common in Symbian phones.
Os 4 : http://compactbyte.com/bb/download/bbdialprefix/4.5/bbdial_prefix.jad
Os 5 : http://compactbyte.com/bb/download/bbdialprefix/5.0/bbdial_prefix.jad
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