Jumat, 30 September 2011

Check out Real Contact

Aplikasi mantaap ni, jadi kita bisa tau kalo ada tmn kita yg lg ada sekitar 400meter dr kita berdiri..
Jadi kalo kita lagi di mall η mau tau apakah tmn Ввм™ kita ada di mall yg sama ato engga ato kalo kita lg sesat, kita bisa cek apa ada tmn kita yg di Ввм™ yg ada di sekitar kita..
Ato kalo lagi mau pulang ni malem2 η ga ada yg bisa jemput, coba cek di sekitar kita ada ga temen kita yg di Ввм™ brg kali ada yg bisa bantu kan dr pd pulang malem ndirian..

Link OTA Real Contact

Facebook update to Version:

Facebook® for BlackBerry® smartphones makes it even easier to connect and share while you’re on the go.
Because the app is designed to work seamlessly with your BlackBerry smartphone, you can create and review Facebook chats
and messages right from your BlackBerry message list. Get messages and updates as they arrive, see your friends’ latest
profile pictures when they call or email, accept friend requests and event invites, and then view them in your BlackBerry calendar.
Use Facebook Places to find out where your friends have checked in, and let them know where you are. And with Facebook Chat on the go,
you can connect with your Facebook friends instantly
when and where you want to. Take socializing to a whole new level with Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones,
and discover all the great ways you can stay on top of your social life.

New and Improved Features of Facebook 2.0 for BlackBerry:
• Brand New User Interface
• Facebook Chat
• Improved News Feed
• Wi-Fi Support
• Enhanced Integration with BlackBerry Native Apps
• Redefined Notifications

Facebook v2.0.0.50 bug fixes:
· Fixed a logout issue that some users were experiencing
· Fixed a bug that caused the device to freeze upon receiving a notification
· Disabled the default synchronization settings

Facebook 2.0 is for BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 or higher. Facebook v1.9 is available for BlackBerry Device Software 4.5-4.7.

For all technical support with Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones,
please visit http://www.blackberry.com/support/facebook.
For billing issues and technical support options related to App World only,
please visit http://www.blackberry.com/support/appworld.
Direct support is unavailable through the “Contact Support” button.

Download IN HERE!! 

Direct OTA :
OS 6 : http://goo.gl/V3PYj
OS 5 : http://goo.gl/sUc9A
OS 7 : http://goo.gl/dhd8Q

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Alkitabku *UPDATE* v1.0.2 (BBM Integrated)

“Alkitabku is digital Bible or Alkitab for BlackBerry, available in 2 languages, English and Bahasa Indonesia.”

Mendengarkan Radio Lewat BlackBerry Gratis

Syarat Pastinya :
1. BB nya konek internet
2. Gratisnya asalkan BB nya pake BIS yang full ya
3. Jaringan mesti EDGE.. GPRS ga bisa! (EDGE nya mesti huruf gede, kalo huruf kecil berarti belom ada BIS )

  • Batere BlackBerry lo cepet abis, soalnya streaming ini download content secara kontinyu.
  • Saat streaming ga bisa kita sambi internetan menggunakan browser, soalnye streaming ini menggunakan Media player dari Browser kita, cara ngakalinnya, kita bisa pake Opera Mini sementara kalo ingin Browsing saat streaming radio.
Caranya :
  • Bagi pengguna BlackBerry yang ada 3G-nya, pake jaringan 3G kalian dulu. Bagi pengguna BlackBerry yang tidak ada EDGE, tetap bisa
  • Masuk Browser (lewat bb), di kolom Search (Google), masukin : U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status
Nah setelah tulisan status itu bisa juga kalian tambah String keyword : U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status ADDKEYHERE
Contoh Tambahan Keyword:
* U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status GenreMusik (Rock, Pop, Reggae, Ska, dsb)
* U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status NamaRadio
* U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status LokasiRadio

Google, muncul result seperti ini :

Cari Link yang harus memiliki tanda “:” (contoh: _http://123.456.789:1234 atau _http://radio.ebool.com:1234), kalau enggak, kita ga bisa akses radio streaming, karena kita streaming langsung nge-point web browser kita ke Server Radio yang berbasis SHOUTcast.
Contoh dari step 1 & 2:
Aku mau dengerin KasKus Radio : U SHOUTcast D.N.A.S. Status KasKus. Nah muncul seperti ini :

Sekarang lanjut ke step 3
3. Setelah mendapatkan Radio yang kita inginkan, klik pada link radio yang memiliki tanda “:” di Google, sewaktu muncul window Save Item pilih OPEN!. Inget Pilih Open, Jangan pilih SAVE!
4. Setelah klik OPEN, kalian secara otomatis akan masuk pada Media Browser. Dan kalau berhasil akan muncul seperti ini:

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Free Chat Facebook with BBM v2.1 Application Blackberry

The only App to use BBM inside Facebook Chat .
See which friends from Facebook has a BlackBerry®, Invite them through our App to become your BBM contacts .
As always we are working very hard to bring you Innovation and not copying from other Apps .
Face for BBM is the first Facebook Chat which integrates Facebook chat and BBM in the same chat .
This is a true revelation no more going through 2 chats and your beloved BBM is all over .
Face for BBM is also the only application to use the new XMPP protocol for Facebook Chat, which offers faster communications and smaller data requirements. So not only can you chat with your Facebook friends faster than the chat on the Facebook website, but you are also saving on expensive data plans with your carriers.
Face for BBM offers a simplified interface just like your BBM’S, Fast, easy and simple.
Features contains :
BBM Inside
Very Low Battery consumption .
popup notification on incoming message when APP Chat is running on the background
notification field when chatting with a friend and there is incoming message from other friend
message delivery status
chat states, ie displayed status when your friend is typing
search functionality on friends’ names
profile pictures next to friend’s name (please enable from Options page)
home screen icon notification
ability to set status to Available or Idle from menu
autofix -enabled text field
auto run on startup
integrated tones, and LED notifications to BlackBerry® Options
auto reconnect on the background if disconnected from Facebook server

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Flipside v1.20.6 Blackberry Media Player

A visually stunning music player for your BlackBerry smartphone. Flipside shows full cover album art for your music files, and lets you swoosh through your music collection with a flick of the trackball or finger.

You can now pause, play, next track and previous track even when FlipSide is in the background using the audio playback keys on OS 5 devices..... and.....and this is the exciting and magic bit ...because it supports Bluetooth AVRCP and A2DP......you can also play it through and control it direct from your Bluetooth enabled Car Stereo, SpeakerPhone (like the excellent Jabra ® CRUISER) or stereo headsets.

Other highlights include downloadable cover art - so you can fill out the missing art in your collection - and FlipSide Extras – an online biography of the artist and suggestions for other music you might like to explore.

* Bring your music alive with full color cover art
* Find missing artwork direct from your BlackBerry
* Discover new music at FlipSide Extras
* Make playlists of your favorite tunes
* Plays MP3, WMA, M4A and AAC files direct from SD card
* Auto-pause when a call comes in
* Bluetooth AVRCP and A2DP support
* last.fm audio scrobbling support



NB : Code serial buat flipside 109267

Senin, 26 September 2011

ChatPics - Makes it Easy to See Who’s Texting (BBM Integrated)

Make sure you have the latest BBM v6, if you dont please download www.blackberry.com/messenger
Want a way to make chat messaging a little more personal? Then look no further than ChatPic, a chat that puts a little photo of your contact beside each incoming chat bubble.


Minggu, 25 September 2011

BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.1.25 Beta Available in BetaZone

BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.1.25
What's New
In this latest upgrade, we've focused on bug fixes in platform such as avatar changes in Bridge and
enabled a 'Third Party Application' discovery system message.
BBM BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.1.25 introduces “BBM Connected Apps”. Upon clicking on “Explore BBM connected apps” it’ll launch App World and open BBM Connected app section. Maybe RIM will also start pushing out updates via BBM.
Download :
OS 5 : http://goo.gl/K44cZ
OS 6 : http://goo.gl/g2q4F
OS 7 : http://goo.gl/Vpiji
OS 5 : http://goo.gl/CqMVY
OS 6 : http://goo.gl/LLE9x
OS 7 : http://goo.gl/jWni9

Note : Key Code v6.0.1.15 atau versi sebelumnya masih bisa digunakan.

Performance Pack for Blackberry

Performance Pack will recover the lost/used up memory from the device making your applications
run faster and smoother. The app will optimize device performance by reclaiming unused memory instantly.
Now with customizable boost schedule and quick boost to free your Device memory, you have the power to free your Device Memory!
With Additional features such as WiFi Alert and Process monitoring.

  • Contains a full version of Performance pack for BlackBerry®.
  • Stop online dangers without sacrificing performance with fast, light protection for your device.
  • Finds and fixes your device problems automatically.
  • De fragments and cleans the registry so programs open quickly.
  • Optimizes your device for better performance.
Required Device Software
OS 4.6.0 or higher

Download OTA :

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Membuat Offline Installer Buat Blackberry

Tujuan membuat Offline installer adalah: supaya pemakai paket BIS LITE atau GAUL, paket MAIL, dll bisa install aplikasi. karena dengan adanya offline installer tidak diperlukan fitur browsing di bb, tinggal copas aja ke SD card trus klik file JAD

Langkah2 untuk membuat SD Card Installer:

Software yg diperlukan:
- Winzip
- VnbbUtils (alternatif selain BBSAK-lebih baik daripada BBSAK)


Untuk nyedot COD dari link OTA perlu aplikasi ini:

OTA Downloader: KLIK

Membuat SD card installer ada 2 aplikasi yg bisa kita pakai, yaitu BBSAK dan VnbbUtils, saya juga memberi contoh pake VnbbUtils karena BBSAK kadang2 bermasalah di Windows 7


1. Untuk contoh, saya menggunakan aplikasi kecil yg simpel, yaitu File Manager Pro versi 1.6
kita ambil dulu file cod dari bb kita, pake BBSAK (save COD)
maka akan tampil seperti ini:

2. Harap diperhatikan: file cod dengan ukuran diatas 100 kb biasanya terdiri dari bbrp cod, dan harus diekstrak!!! Tidak bisa langsung dipakai...!!
kita rename dulu file cod tersebut menjadi zip

3. setelah kita rename trus kita ekstrak pake winzip

4. kita jalankan aplikasi BBSAK, disini saya pake versi 1.9, kita klik jad maker

5. kita masukan 4 file cod tadi ke dalam kotak di BBSAK, sambil kita isi juga app name, version, vendor, description, dll trus kita klik create jad

6. ini yg penting, kita buka file jad yg udah jadi, pake notepad...!!!

disini kita harus periksa file jad+cod kita (dicocokan), dan BBSAK sering melakukan kesalahan fatal, yaitu: filemanagerpro.cod tertulis 2x, ini yg bikin error waktu instalasi...!! (error 907)

kita edit dulu pake notepad, dan menjadi:

trus kita save pake notepad juga



Langkah2 yg dilakukan mirip dgn BBSAK

1. kita buka VnbbUtils

2. klik create JAD

3. kita siapkan file2 cod, sebagai contoh uber twitter 1.01

4. kita masukan file2 tsb ke kotak, trus kita isi vendor, description, dll trus klik create

5. beres

Contoh kesalahan membuat SD card installer:

file cod berukuran besar tidak dipecah (cuma ada 5 file cod, harusnya 22 file cod), mesti error 907 wkt install di bb,kalo ada offline installer seperti ini HARUS pake BBSAK, tidak bisa klik jad

Lanjut ke SINI dan SINI!!!

Cara Membuat Link OTA di Dropbox

Kalau udah baca disini biar tidak ribet baru lanjut ke post ini
Posting saya kali ini membuat online installer (link OTA) yg bisa didownload langsung dari browser bb, tentunya anda harus memakai BIS unlimited (full service)



Masuk ke dropbox.com, ini file hosting gratisan yg udah support OTA trus kita perlu register sebuah account. Sesudah account jadi, kita klik di tab "files"

Kita mendapatkan space gratis 2GB, lumayan

Langkah 2:

 Masuk ke "public"

Langkah 3:

Kita siapkan file-file cod + jad yg akan kita upload ke dropbox.Kali ini aplikasi yg saya pake utk contoh: FileScout

Langkah 4:

Kita create new folder, tujuannya mempermudah mengatur file2, supaya gak bingung

Langkah 5:

Folder udah jadi

Langkah 6:

Kita masuk ke folder "FileScout"

Langkah 7:

Klik "upload"

Langkah 8:

Kita select smua file yg akan kita upload ke dropbox.com, pencet "open"

Langkah 9:

Klik "start upload"

Langkah 10:

Proses upload

Langkah 11:

Sudah ter-upload semua

Langkah 12:
Klik file "jad", disebelah kanan ada panah, klik panah tsb, pilih "copy publik link"

Langkah 13:

Udah keluar linknya, itu yg akan kita share ke temen2 utk diambil

Langkah 14: (tambahan)

Kita perlu test hasilnya, pake OTA downloader supaya yakin udah bener, kalo udah terdownload semua berarti sukses....!!!


Cara Membuat Link OTA Buat Blackberry

Kalau udah baca disini biar tidak ribet baru lanjut ke post ini

Saya mau share caranya dgn menggunakan hosting di web http://bbthemelab.com
di web ini juga banyak tutorial, themes, icons keren yg bisa di download 
1. daftar akun di web http://bbthemelab.com (pilih register di pojok kanan atas)
2. cek email untuk konfirmasi registrasi, lalu klik link konfirmasi nya
3. secara otomatis akan kembali ke web http://bbthemelab.com. lalu klik menu OTA Hosting lalu login
  4. setelah login akan muncul halaman Hosting, lalu klik tanda " +" add folder (buat folder untuk aplikasi/theme yg akan di upload) beri nama folder lalu klik "Add".
5. Selanjutnya setelah membuat folder, kita klik/masuk ke folder tersebut lalu klik tanda "+" pilih "add file". Add file2 aplikasi yg akan kita upload (misal file2 theme) lalu klik "upload" dan tunggu sampai proses selesai. 

6. Setelah upload selesai, kita cari file yg berekstensi .jad lalu klik - pilih tombol actions - get public link.

7. copy link tersebut, selanjutnya dipojok kanan atas klik menu "ShortURL" dan paste kan linknya. 

*Jangan lupa ketik atau copy nama file .jad tadi ke link OTA, seperti berikut ini
(*sebetulnya sampai tahap ini link OTA sudah bisa digunakan, tetapi kita gunakan fasilitas ShortURL agar link menjadi pedek)

8. Setelah itu klik tombol "Make ShortURL"

9. Link OTA selesai