Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

iMud 2011 (Mudik Guidance On Your BlackBerry)

Khusus untuk kamu yang Mudik Lebaran, iMud 2011 ! berikut keterangannya :
Download OTA LINK : http://4id.in/mud
iMud2011 merupakan aplikasi yang kami (4id) buat untuk para masyarakat Indonesia yang bisa digunakan sebagai teman ketika melakukan mudik tahun 2011 ini. iMud2011 sekarang memiliki beberapa fitur seperti:

CCTV JalanMelihat keadaan lalulintas di beberapa jalan melalui gambar CCTV

DOWNLOADDownload beberapa ringtone unik seputar mudik

Peta jawa yang dapat digunakan sebagai teman mudik anda

Fitur untuk memfasilitasi pengguna yang ingin melakukan silaturahmi melalui chat room sesuai wilayahnya masing-masing

Anda bisa melaporkan informasi lalulintas keadaan mudik dengan menggunakan twitter account dan hashtag #imud2011

iMud 2011 ini kompatible dengan BlackBerry dengan OS 4.7 ke atas
aplikasi ini menggunakan koneksi BIS bukan APN operator

Menambahkan Font pada Blakcberry

Berikut langkah2nya :

1. Instal File Manager Pro
Bisa juga instal aplikasi lain yang sejenis. Intinya, diperlukan aplikasi 3rd party untuk membuka file yang disembunyikan (hidden file) pada device juga untuk meng-extract file ZIP (mengingat kebanyakan font yang di-download dari website dikemas dlm format ZIP). Namun anda tdk perlu meng-extract file apabila font yang ada, tdk dikemas dlm format ZIP yakni sdh dlm format ttf.
Setelah selesai instalasi, lakukan restart lalu buka app tsb. Tekan Menu Key (tombol dengan logo BB) pilih Options. Pada field 'Show Hidden' pilih Yes. Tekan Menu Key, pilih Save kemudian tutup app.

2. Download Font
Download jenis font/tipe huruf yg anda pilih di web langsung dari handheld. Beberapa link utk download font : http://www.1001freefonts.com/http://www.fontstock.net/http://www.free-fonts.com/http://www.abstractfonts.com/pop_charts/toprated http://www.fontspace.com/
Untuk mudahnya berikut link free font yang dapat langsung di-download dalam format ttf (bukan file ZIP sehingga tidak perlu meng-extract) : http://www.webpagepublicity.com/free-fonts.html
Saran : Pilih font yang dapat dilihat dengan jelas & sesuai dgn ukuran default BB (ukuran default Font Size : 8). Tentunya hal ini dpt anda lakukan setelah menyelesaikan langkah 1-5. Contoh jenis font yang sesuai ukuran default BB : Level Right, Lithe ExtraBold, Larabiefont Bold...
Catatan : Perhatikan ukuran file yg di-download.Semakin kecil ukurannya (< 100 KB), semakin baik. Tidak semua jenis font dapat digunakan pada bb.

3. Membikin Folder baru
Masuk File Manager Pro, masuk ke Device Memory > appdata > rim > akan tampak 2 folder yaitu bda dan media. Sampai di sini, bikin folder baru dgn cara tekan Menu Key, pilih New Folder. Ketik nama folder : fonts lalu OK.
Catatan : Jangan sampai salah ketik ketika membuat nama folder.

4. Copy & Rename Font
Temukan & copy font pilihan yg telah anda download, ke folder yg baru anda bikin (yakni folder degann nama : fonts). Selanjutnya, lakukan Rename atau merubah nama dgn cara tekan Menu Key, pilih Rename.
Contoh : nama font yg anda download adalah Typo.ttf Ubah nama tsb menjadi : Typo.font
Setelah selesai, tutup App File Manager Pro.
Lakukan Soft Reset atau Hard Reset / Cabut Batere.

5. Mengganti jenis font
Setelah hh dalam keadaan standby, masuk Options, pilih Screen/Keyboard. Pada Font Family, pilih nama font pilihan anda lalu tekan Menu Key, pilih Save.
Font Type BB akan berubah sesuai degan font yang telah dipilih.
Lakukan Restart/Soft Reset

6. Membuang font pilihan
Font yang anda pilih, bisa saja tampak kurang memuaskan setelah diterapkan dlm Handheld. Anda bisa membuang font tsb. Namun sebelumnya, anda harus mengganti font yang sdg digunakan, dgn jenis font yang lain. Setlh selesai mengganti jenis font, lakukan Restart/Soft Reset kemudian delete font yang ada pada folder fonts.

Catatan :
  • Hati2 pada saat anda membuka Hidden File. Jgn smp terjadi kesalahan spt menghapus file/folder asli dll.
  • Tidak disarankan membuang font asli dari BB dgn alasan apapun.
  • Tidak disarankan menyimpan byk font pilihan, mengingat memory yang digunakan adalah Phone Memory.
  • Cara ini sdh diterapkan & berhasil pada Official OS BB tipe 8520, 9300, 9700, 9780, 9800. Seharusnya dpt diterapkan pada BB tipe lain.

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

BlackBerry Application World 3.0 (BetaZone)

The BlackBerry App World 3.0 storefront makes discovering and downloading apps, games, and themes easier than ever. Users can personalize their BlackBerry smartphone, find the hottest games and entertainment and get apps to stay connected with the people who matter. This latest App World release includes the following new features:

Sleek New Design 
The BlackBerry App World experience has been enhanced to help you discover the latest and greatest apps and content, starting right on the BlackBerry App World home screen where rotating spotlight banners show off all that’s new and exciting.
New Channels
Apps, Games, and Themes now have their own channels so you can get to what you want even faster. Each channel offers up a whole range of Categories, Top Lists (for Paid, Free, Rated, New Arrivals) and a Search Bar.

Introduction of My Account
My Account makes managing your BBID and payment options easy with direct access to all of your account information from the home screen.

New My World Features
My World gives you a streamlined view of all your apps and their status, and now at a glance, in addition to seeing which apps are installed and uninstalled, you can manage your subscription content and services. When new updates or subscription renewals are available for your apps, you’ll be notified using push technology.

App Social Sharing
When you find an app you can’t live without, share it with your contacts directly from the app details screen through BBM, Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS.

Evolved App Details Screen
At a glance, you can get a quick summary, check out reviews and star ratings, take a look at screen shots, and more.

More Search Options 
Quickly find apps with a Search Bar now appearing on the storefront home screen and search results are presented across Channels as well as My World. Search Bars are also within each Channel and users have the ability to filter by App Name, Price, Rating, Newest, Best Match, or Popular.

Betazone (member only)

Direct Link OTA :
OS 6 : http://goo.gl/9FkAs
OS 5 : http://goo.gl/TrpvE

Note : Memerlukan Key Code BetaZone

OS 6 : http://goo.gl/bLzAJ
OS 5 : http://goo.gl/nxYXn

Rotation Lock for BlackBerry

Rotation Lock for BlackBerry Touch Screen Device
Buat user BlackBerry touch screen Device dimana screen secara otomatis bisa rotate sesuai putaran screen anda. Kadang otomatis rotate feature tersebut di BlackBerry juga bisa menghalang kerja pada saat menggunakan aplikasi.
S4BB telah rilis aplikasi RotationLock untuk mengunci auto rotation fitur di BlackBerry.Tentang RotationLock :
untuk BlackBerry Seberapa sering terjadi bahwa Anda menggunakan aplikasi di BlackBerry ® dan untuk beberapa alasan layar Anda berputar.
S4BB Terbatas menciptakan solusi: RotationLock. Aplikasi ini ramping memungkinkan Anda untuk mengunci layar Anda dalam posisi screen sesuai keinginan anda.
RotationLock tersedia untuk perangkat berikut:
OS 4.7 atau lebih tinggi: Obor, Storm I, Storm II.

Download OTA IN HERE

Christian Pocket Guide untuk BlackBerry Smartphone

Christian Pocket Guide dilengkapi dengan fitur - fitur istimewa, diantaranya: Komunitas Mobile interaktif yang canggih dan menarik untuk Anda dapat berbagi kesaksian, tulisan dan diskusi dengan sesama pengguna melalui Komunitas CPG, Buletin yang berisikan aneka informasi rohani, Kalender hari-hari Besar umat Kristiani dan masih banyak lagi.

Christian Pocket Guide untuk BlackBerry Smartphone dapat didownload di http://CPG.VEELABS.com
Fitur :
  • Fitur Renungan bagi umat Kristiani yang bermanfaat untuk Saat Teduh sehari-hari
  • Nyanyikan lagu pujian kesukaan Anda dengan iringan musik yang lembut melalui fitur Karaoke
  • Pengingat Doa Pagi dan Doa Malam dengan Voice Guide
  • Komunitas CPG untuk berbagi tulisan Rohani dengan sesama pengguna, melalui kategori dan topik-topik menarik yang telah tersedia
  • Desain yang segar dan menyejukkan
  • Aplikasi berbahasa Indonesia
  • Sangat mudah digunakan
  • Ukuran kecil, hemat memori,dan hemat baterai
  • Penghitung waktu mundur untuk hari-hari besar Kristiani
  • Notifikasi Alert menggunakan Ribbon, Icon, dan Fitur Getar
  • kses dan loading data yang cepat
 Berbagi informasi mengenai aplikasi ini langsung melalui eMail, Facebook, dan Twitter
 dan masih banyak lagi...

Link Radio Lab Tools (Untuk mengganti Imei n Pin BB) Plus Imei dan Pin Generator

Langkah untuk input pin dan imei BB
(Pastikan BB anda dalam Kondisi bootloader)

1. Buka program Radio Lab Tool
2. Koneksikan handset BB ke PC
3. Klik pada gambar PC warna biru di pojok kiri atas untuk connect
4. Klik pada pilihan "Available Views" lalu "ID"
5. Masukkan Imei dan Pin yg dikehendaki di kolom BB Pin dan Imei, Pada kolom BSN Biarkan apa adanya lalu klik write pada tab imei dan tab pin.
6. flash kembali OS anda menggunakan DM

untuk cek apakah sudah berhasil, silahkan tekan tombol disconnect lalu connect kembali
di pilihan ID kolom imei dan pin klik tab read untuk melihat apakah pin dan imei anda sudah berubah.

Pin Dan Imei Generator Full Cracked
Radio Lab New Link

vnbbUtils v2.0.4.0 Update

vnbbUtils is an application based on JavaLoader with friendly GUI and many improvement ( such as OTA downloader, IP Modem, Quick Install, remove IT Policy, Create JAD )
IP Modem: only for people who still prefer to use BDM 5.0.0 or lower (BDM 5.0.1 and later have already had IP Modem)
Quick Install: After vnbbUtils v2.x installed, you can install the JAD or CODs files directly from Windows Explorer. Just right click on the JAD or COD files (you can select multiple COD files at once), you’ll see an item Install (vnbbUtils) in the system menu. Just click on that item, the selected files will be installed immediately into your BB (of course, BB must be connected to the computer first)
Get information of the BB that connected to your computer (automatically detecting BB is connected/disconnected to/from the computer). Providing this information for OTA Downloader and EScreen Activation code generator. Especially, it help OTA Downloader simulate the environment of your BB to download the suitable version of software with your BB (same as you download by BB’s Browser).
USB Driver: Install USB Driver for Blackberry. If you have not install BDM yet, Computer can not recognize your BB as an USB Drive. Only click on USB Driver button, that problem have been resolved, BDM free . This driver is only for USB Drive, not for BB device manager, so if you want using full functions of vnbbUtils, install BDM is required.
Set Time: Synchronize system time of your BB with computer
Reset Blackberry: Reset your Blackberry same as Battery Pull quickly.
Factory Reset: remove IT policy.
Wipe Device at low-level, this function allow you clear OS before you want to upgrade OS
Load OS: this function allow you select exactly which version of OS you want to install into BB, don’t need to uninstall other version, and automatically delete file vendor.xml then run Loader.exe to make sure you can Load OS from any vendor successfully.
Read EventLog: read all information in the Event Log, allow you to save as text file on computer
Clear EventLog: Delete Event log to release memory space.
Clean RAM & Garbage Flash: same as MemoryUp, Memory Booster, but with this function of vnbbUtils, it cleans even more Flash memory
Backup / Restore applications, allows easy backup entire 3rd party applications from BB to computer (before Reinstall OS) and restore/reinstall all of them into BB (after Load OS) quickly.
Install JAD: lets you install software on computer to BB from the JAD file easily and quickly. Helping people who using old BB model (do not have memory card) can install software normally without opening BDM.
Install Cod(s): lets you install software from Cod files to BB directly. But I prefer to using Install from JAD
Read system modules: list all installed modules in the BB, including 3rd party Applications and Core OS & Add-on. Allow you to:
Save modules. Necessary in case of backup applications or store applications that installed on your BB into computer.
Delete unnecessary modules, optimizing memory of your BB or fixed some error that applications conflicted.
Screen Capture:  capture the current screen of your Blackberry and allows to save images in various formats (PNG, JPG, BMP or Copy to Clipboard). Automatic add watermark for that images, you can customize watermark by yourself (Text, Size, Color, Position). You also make a video stream by recording function.
Download software for BB from OTA link to your computer. This feature has been improved superior to other OTA Download utilities, allows you to download from the site that check terminal connect to as Google, Opera Mini, mopipocket … Support download over Proxy, download from indirect link (as OTA Link provide by Mobihand). Downloaded Softwares are stored in folder .\OTA\App_Name. Download OTA really like you do on the BB Browser, lets you download the software for your BB easily.
Create ALX file to installed by BDM. Created from JAD file or Cod files that available.
Create JAD file to install from SDCard. JAD is created from ALX or Cod files.
Convert JAR to COD(s): this feature allow you to convert JAR file to COD & ALX.
Generate code for the Activation of Engineering Screen

Download vnbbUtils v2.0.4.0

SpeedNux v1.0.0

Requirements :
OS 5 above
SpeedNux Download at
Direct Link OTA :

Random Music Reminder V2 (

The user begins with the random music reminder each morning with a new random song from their library. The interface of RMR is simple and intuitive, so you can come without additional training to enjoy the features of RMR.
Trial for 30 days include all function from buy version : http://store.bbgeeks.com/productMobile.asp?id=66512


SugarSync Updates

* Get anytime, anywhere access to all of your files, photos, and music
* Backup photos taken on your Blackberry to your computers (without wires!)
* Share any file via email, or grab a link to it to share on any app, including Facebook
* Stream your entire music collection
* Edit documents locally (using a document editor), then sync it your computers
* Earn free storage by sharing SugarSync with your friends
* And much more!
If you don’t have an account, sign up from the app and get 5 GB of free online storage.
To get real-time access to files from your computers, don’t forget to install the free SugarSync application on your PC or Mac (www.sugarsync.com/downloads).


Fee Panic Button (Personal Guardian)

Stay safe with Personal Guardian, your personal safety app for your BlackBerry®. Personal Guardian is a one push panic button that can silently send out an emergency email and even a Twitter message with your location information.
Whether you are walking down a dark street or just feel uneasy walking alone, have your finger rest on your BlackBerry®'s Convenience Key, and be ready to trigger off a silent alarm.
When pressed, the silent alarm will:
* Dial 911 (or configure a number of your choice)
* Send out a Twitter Message with your location information
* Send out a Email with your location information
* Send out a SMS with your location information
After setup, Personal Guardian also alerts you when an unauthorized SIMCard is used on your BlackBerry® Smartphone and will also turn on real time tracking.
You’ll also get access to the Personal Guardian web interface, where you can customize your settings and messages, manage your account and track your phone.

Jakarta Map For BlackBerry

Need to find your directions in Jakarta on your mobile?
Streetdirectory provides you with the most detailed and complete map in Jakarta, helping you to find locations and nearby businesses at your finger tip.
Our Features such as:
• Search (building, street, etc)
• Find Nearby Businesses and Places
• Find Business Directory
• View Building Photos
• The most updated maps of Jakarta now in your hands!
Yes, you don't always have to go by the book. Download Now!

Download at
Note: Internet connectivity is required

Visit http://blackberry.streetdirectory.co.id/ for more detail.
Whats NEW in Version 1.5 ?
APN setting is not required anymore because our application already registered in BIS.


is a simple program to block the unwanted SMSs which contain the specific word.The SMSs which contain the content in Blocked Content will not appear in the SMS Inbox. However it can display the lasted 25 text messages in TrueText, so you can still read them in the program.
You can add the content(case sensitive) such as word to the blocked contents, then TrueText will block them automatically.
If you are using other SMS software which will receiving new incoming SMS, then it may conflict with TrueText and make TrueText can't block all incoming SMS


Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Petunjuk untuk Menghemat Daya Baterai

 1. Pilih operator yang memiliki jaringan stabil, supaya device tidak selalu mencari sinyal
2. Berhemat di Screen brightness and timeout displayt; Option ; Screen/keyboard ; atur backlight brightness jadi 10 (paling kecil) dan backlight timeout jadi 10 (paling cepat)
3. Sesuaikan profile sehemat mungkin, matikan Vibrate/getar + volume + lampu LED; Profiles (gambar speaker) ; Advanced ; Enter dari profile yg aktif ; setting vibrate + volume + lampu LED sehemat mungkin untuk BBM alert, Facebook, Message, MMS, SMS, YM
4. Bila perlu, gunakan sarung BlackBerry yang asli karena begitu dimasukkan dalam sarung, maka layar akan langsung non aktif
5. Sesekali (misalkan mau tidur) manfaatkan fasilitas profile silent, tanpa dering dan vibrate, sehingga ketika ada email atau pesan masuk, ponsel anda tidak berbunyi tang ting tung teng ….
6. Matikan LED indicator
7. Matikan Keypad tone
8. Matikan bluetooth bila tidak diperlukan
9. Matikan Wifi bila tidak diperlukan
10. Matikan GPS bila tidak diperlukan
11. Gunakan signal 2G daripada 3G bila handheld sementara tidak digunakan untuk mengunduh file besar (posisi stand by)-&gt; Manage connections – Mobile network option – ubah 3G menjadi 2G
12. Gunakan theme sederhana tanpa animasi
13. Hapus aplikasi dan theme yang jarang digunakan (ini juga akanmenghemat memory); Option ; Advance option ; Application ; delete aplikasi yang tidak diperlukan

The Tablet v1.0 by IOneStudioos (All Type BB) (PREMIUM)

The tablet is an effective theme, beautiful, clean, fast and organized.
The tablet is the latest addition to our family by the panel. A new generation of issues that allow you faster access to their critical applications, providing a better interface to dress to impress.
The tablet of one of the most productive out there. gorgeous deep colors and icons, especially for the theme!
Enjoy! Let it shine through your BlackBerry!
♦ beautifully animated transitions
♦ Clean, simple and professional
♦ icons Format Tablet
♦ 8 fixed icons
♦ Interface clean
♦ Fast and agile
♦ pixel perfect design and practical

Download Here OTA Installer:

Download Here Offline Installer:

WisePilot GPS Navigator

Wisepilot selalu up-to-date memberikan kualitas peta terbaru dari NAVTEQ dan konten terbaru, tidak perlu menyimpan peta pada telepon Anda.

Ada banyak fitur gratis dapat Anda gunakan kapan pun Anda inginkan:
• Temukan tempat-tempat, misalnya apotek terdekat atau terbaik lokal
• Cari restoran,alamat jalan, nama bisnis atau bahkan koordinat
• Berbagi tempat Anda dan rute dengan teman-teman dan keluarga dan biarkan mereka melihat di mana Anda berada
• Worldwide peta,dari benua ke tingkat jalan
• Anda Lihat rute di peta dan membaca petunjuk yang sempurna bila Anda sedang menjelajahi sebuah kota dengan berjalan kaki cepat
• Mendapatkan perkiraan waktu perjalanan dan jarak ke mana Anda ingin pergi,Lima prakiraan cuaca hari
• Untuk lokasi apapun

Untuk mengemudi lebih halus atau berjalan kaki hanya menambahkan fitur-fitur dari toko di-app ketika Anda membutuhkannya.
Dengan biaya rendah Anda dapat menambahkan:
• Navigasi - Mencapai tujuan Anda dengan panduan suara dan arah peta 3D
• Premium Navigasi - Pastikan untuk tidak melampaui batas kecepatan, masuk ke jalur kanan dan mendapatkan pandangan persimpangan realistis untuk membantu Anda membuat yang benar berubah
• Kecepatan Cams Dapatkan peringatan saat mendekati kamera kecepatan
• Live Traffic - Tinggal jauh dari insiden lalu lintas dan menghindari antrian
• Wcities - Cari atau mendatang peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung di dekat Anda Sebuah Wisepilot dengan semua fitur ini selalu berguna untuk ada di saku Anda.
Wisepilot Mendownload akan memberikan Anda 5 hari bebas menggunakan fitur SEMUA! Kami terus bekerja untuk meningkatkan Wisepilot setelah kebutuhan Anda. Jika Anda memiliki beberapa ide kami akan senang mendengarnya.
Hanya menulis komentar di bawah ini dan mungkin ide Anda akan terwujud di update berikutnya!. Nikmati Tim Wisepilot

Download Here:
*file size 2.83MB

Transformer 3 For All BlackBerry® Type (FREE)

Transformer 3 For All BlackBerry® Type (FREE)
Filmnya baru nongol di Indonesia dan sudah menjadi box office di mana-mana, apalagi kalau bukan film Transformer 3. Kini kamu yang belum nonton ataupun sudah nonton tidak masalah, tetap bisa melepaskan kerinduan kepada robot keren ini. Tersedia theme BlackBerry gratis untuk para pecinta filem Transformer Dark of The Moon.
Free BB Themes ini tersedia untuk BlackBerry apa saja, dari Gemini alias Curve 8530 sampai dengan BlackBerry seri lainnya. 

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

BlackBerry WebWorks SDK v2.1

Advance User Only.
New capabilities available to WebWorks developers for BlackBerry Smartphones are:
NTLM &amp; BASIC Authentication support (NTLM support requires a BlackBerry Enterprise Server)
Camera API (take a picture or a video)
Top Banner Indicator API
Enhanced Push APIs
Improved rendering speeds for applications not using loading/transition screens
The new banner API and Push API's here are pretty excellent, developers can now use the push API to "wake" applications up and combined with the new banner API inform you, as a user that you have recieved a notification within whatever app it is making use of the new services. For the full details, make sure you check out the BlackBerry Dev Blog.

All NEW! Premium Theme's

(By) GadzoneMobile BB Launcher v2
1. Droid TodayPlus
2. Legend MMMOOO
3. Lathori
4. Zipper
5. Polka
6. FoxClear
7. HedoneDesign Asepsis
(By) GadzoneMobile BB Launcher v2
8. Bridged - Playbook Style
9. BlackMax
10. HedoneDesign OS7 Like
11. TabPhone
(By) GadzoneMobile BB Launcher v2
12. Vintage
13. Ederra
14. Playberry
15. Louis Vuitton

NEW! Facebook!

Facebook® for BlackBerry® smartphones makes it even easier to connect and share while you’re on the go. Because the app is designed to work seamlessly with your BlackBerry smartphone, you can create and review Facebook chats and messages right from your BlackBerry message list. Get messages and updates as they arrive, see your friends’ latest profile pictures when they call or email, accept friend requests and event invites, and then view them in your BlackBerry calendar. Use Facebook Places to find out where your friends have checked in, and let them know where you are. And with Facebook Chat on the go, you can connect with your Facebook friends instantly – when and where you want to. Take socializing to a whole new level with Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones, and discover all the great ways you can stay on top of your social life.

New and Improved Features of Facebook 2.0 for BlackBerry:
• Brand New User Interface
• Facebook Chat
• Improved News Feed
• Wi-Fi Support
• Enhanced Integration with BlackBerry Native Apps
• Redefined Notifications

Facebook v2.0.0.45 Hotfix
·Addresses the issue of the application freezing and the News Feed not refreshing

On app world



OS6 » http://bit.ly/qvOZme
OS5 » http://bit.ly/q3x2LP

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Salam Ramadhan dari Ideanesia

Eror Kode Blackberry dari 1XX-5XX

Berikut ini adalah sedikit panduan untuk mengetahui letak error pada handheld Anda :

Code 1xx

101: Internal JVM Error

102: Invalid code in file system. The .cod files in the handheld have been checked for modification and it has been determined that there is a problem with one or more .cod files

103: The starting address for the boot .cod file cannot be found. This might mean that a boot .cod file has not been installed on the handheld, or that its format is invalid or corrupt.

104: An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM. Execution can be continued or the handheld can be attached to a debugger on a desktop through a serial or USB cable. The event log should contain the traceback of the thrown exception.

105: An OS file system API returned an error status for a certain operation. This can indicate a corrupt file system or an error in the JVM.

106: An error has been detected in the graphics system of the handheld.

107/108: Internal JVM error.

109: Internal OS error.

110: Non-idle event downtime error. A problem has been detected in the accumulation of JVM down time that represents how long the JVM has been idle. This indicates an error in either the OS code or the JVM code.

Code 2xx

200: Application manager threw an uncaught exception. The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and so cannot continue running.

201: Initialization of the cryptographic system failed and the handheld cannot continue to operate.

202: An attack on the key store has been detected, and the handheld cannot continue to operate.

203: The application manager console process, usually the Home screen ribbon, has failed, like due to an uncaught exception.

Code 3xx

310-314: Hardware failure

Perform a hard reset on the handheld: Shut down, remove the battery wait a few second... replace battery then see when happens when it starts OR Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.

Note: If these tasks do not resolve the error, contact your service provider.

320-325: AMX failure

Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.

330-339: Application tasks failure

Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.

340-343: Memory failure

You receive one the following error messages on your handheld:


Memory failure.


Reduce the number of calendar appointments synchronized to your handheld.

In BlackBerry? Desktop Manager, double-click the Intellisync icon.

Click Configure PIM. The Handheld Configuration window appears.

In the Handheld Applications list, select Calendar.

Click Configure > Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings for Calendar window appears.

In the Date Range tab, perform one of the following tasks to reduce the number of calendar appointments synchronized to your handheld:

If you click the Transfer only Future items option, only future calendar appointments will be synchronzied to your handheld.

If you click the Transfer items within a range of Days option and enter date range in the fields provided, only the calendar appointments that scheduled within the date range will be synchronized to your handheld.

Click OK to save your changes and close the window.

In the Handheld Configuration window, ensure that the check box beside the Calendar application is selected, then click OK.

In the Intellisync window, ensure that the Synchronize PIM check box is selected, then click Synchronize Now. The number of calendar entries on your handheld is reduced.

If you still receive the error

Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto your handheld.

350-359: Software application failure

You receive one of the following error messages on your handheld:

Device Error 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359


Software application failure.


Perform a hard reset on the handheld OR Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto your handheld. In the Application Loader Wizard window, do not select any third party applications. In the Advanced options, select the Erase all currently installed applications check box

360-363: Flash memory failure

Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.

365-368: This one is often followed by

Contact your service provider.

Code 4xx

400-564: Breaking lines, sistem data link lost, possibility of bad sector in hard drive

410: Radio Failure

411: Battery Error, Replace Internal or External Battery module

499: Software problems, continue to handheld device OS installation or application updates via Apploader

Code 5xx

501: Internal error.

502: All processes exited. The last Java process has terminated, and there is nothing left to execute.

503-505: Internal error.

506: An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the initial VM Java thread thus killing the only live thread in the system. The event log contains the traceback for the exception.

507: A dependency on a .cod file could not be satisfied due to a missing .cod file. Load the missing .cod file onto the handheld.

You receive one of the following errors on your BlackBerry device while using Application Loader to install device software

Device Error 505
Device Error 507

Both errors indicate that no applications are loaded on the BlackBerry device.

Cause I

During the Application Loader process, the existing applications on the BlackBerry device were erased, but Application Loader failed to load the new applications.


Complete the following steps:

Verify that device software is installed on your computer.

If your BlackBerry device is connected to a laptop in a docking station, disconnect the laptop from the docking station and connect the device directly to the laptop.

If a third-party program (e.g. virus scanner) is using the same COM port as BlackBerry Desktop Manager, close the third-party application to free the COM port.

If you are using a USB adapter to connect your BlackBerry device to a serial port on your computer, temporarily connect your device to a computer with a USB port.

In Desktop Manager, double-click Application Loader.

Use Application Loader to install the device software.

Cause II

You erased all the data and applications on your BlackBerry device by typing an incorrect password ten times in Application Loader.


Complete the following steps:

In Desktop Manager, double-click Application Loader.

Use Application Loader to install the device software

508: Invalid object. A problem has been detected with a debugger command to the VM.

516: Error occurred during garbage collection, which might indicate a corrupted file system.

510: All threads are waiting on objects, which results in a deadlock. The system cannot recover from this state since no thread can release a lock.

511: A problem has occurred during debugging.

515: The reachable objects form a group that cannot be represented properly by the VM because there are too many objects or the total size of the objects is too large.

516: When committing a persistent object, the VM found that the persistent store id counter has reached its limit. The object was not committed.

517: An inconsistency has been detected in the VM persistent object store.

518-520: Internal error.

521: Indicates that Object.wait() has been executed by a thread that holds a lock on another object; occurs only in simulator if the JvmDebugWaits application switch.

522: A thread has acquired two locks on objects in an order that doesn’t match the order that previous locks for the two types were acquired, which indicates a future potential deadlock situation; reported only in the simulator when the JvmDebugLocks application switch is set.

523: A critical Java process has died and the device cannot continue to operate normally.

524: An object has been marked as recovered by the Low Memory Manager but it was not freed during a garbage collection. This is only checked in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLMM application switch.

525: Bad persistent object. An auto-commit operation during a garbage collection has detected a non-persistent object reachable from the persistent store root. The type of the object has been output into the event log.

526: The class definition for java.lang.Object cannot be found.

527: The class definition for java.lang.String cannot be found.

528: The file system is corrupted. Data on the handheld is unrecoverable.

529: The file system is corrupted. An attempt is going to be made to recover data, but some data might be lost.

530: Internal JVM error.

531: Flash memory has been exhausted.

532: A JVM assertion has been violated. This error can occur only in the simulator, not on an actual handheld.

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Lapar? Cari Posisi Resto yang Dekat? Menoo Aplikasi Blackberry Yang Akan Membantu Anda

JAKARTA, RABU - Suka wisata kuliner, tapi sering bermasalah dengan tempat tujuan makan yang tepat? Dengan Menoo hal tersebut dijamin tidak bakal terjadi lagi. Aplikasi yang baru diluncurkan Elasitas hari ini (10/8) bisa membantu penggila kuliner menemukan makanan favoritnya dengan mudah dan cepat.
“Konsepnya bukan cuma food direktori yang saat ini sudah banyak, tapi lebih dari itu. Pengguna bisa dengan cepat mengetahui makanan paling favorit di dekatnya. Ini karena Menoo punya teknologi Location Based Service (LBS) untuk memudahkan orang mencari menu atau tempat makan favoritnya,” jelas Calvin Kizana (CEO, PT. Elasitas Multi Kreasi). Calvin juga menjelaskan bahwa aplikasi ini bisa berjalan di 3 jenis perangkat mobile paling populer saat ini, yaitu BlackBerry, iPhone, dan Android. “Menyusul berikutnya untuk Nokia N9 yang akan hadir dalam waktu dekat,” tambah Calvin.
Menoo sendiri merupakan aplikasi yang sangat menarik. Selain menyediakan aneka menu favorit dari restoran-restoran yang terdekat dari user, aplikasi ini juga bisa berfungsi sebagai media sosial. Pengguna bisa melaukan review terhadap beragam jenis menu dari tempat makan yang sudah terdaftar di Menoo dan berbagi informasi dengan temannya di Menoo, Twitter, Facebook atau bahkan BBM. Aneka promosi yang sedang ditawarkan oleh merchant yang bekerjasama dengan Menoo juga bisa dicari di sini. Karena mengusung konsep user generated content pengguna juga bisa menambahkan sendiri tempat makan dan menu favoritnya.Sebagai ganjaran, pengguna yang ikut berpartisipasi atau aktif di Menoo akan mendapatkan semacam badge khusus yang bisa dipakai bernarsis ria.
Untuk memudahkan pencarian menu dan tempat makan, aplikasi yang bisa didownload gratis ini juga menyediakan peta digital dari tempat makan yang ada. Ada 2 jenis peta di sini, Google dan BlackBerry map. Yang lebih menarik, lokasi tempat makan yang tercatat di Menoo bisa dilihat dalam moda Augmented Reality. Pengguna tinggal mengaktifkan kamera di handsetnya kemudian mengarahkannya titik dimana tempat makan tersebut berada. “Cocok buat tempat makan yang sulit dijangkau hanya dengan melihat peta,” kata Calvin.
Saat ini Menoo sudah memiliki 260 ribu daftar tempat makan di databasenya dengan lebih dari 2 juta jenis menu yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, Singapura, Thailand, Amerika dan segera menyusul Jepang. Dengan dukungan komunitas kuliner seperti JalanSutra (Indonesia), InSing (Singapura) dan CompassPoint (Thailand) serta dukungan dari lebih dari 12 ribu anggota aktif saat ini diharapkan jumlah tempat serta menu yang terdaftar di Menoo bisa bertambah signifikan dalam waktu dekat.
Berminat mencoba aplikasi keren buatan anak bangsa ini? Silahkan unduh di www.mymenoo.com langsung dari perangkat mobile kamu dan mulailah berburu kuliner favorit.

Atau di http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/50245?lang=en

Sumber :

Foursquare App For BlackBerry Updated To Version 3.1 With Support For BlackBerry Messenger

Foursquare released version 3.1 of their BlackBerry app with support for BlackBerry Messenger. According to the changelog, version 3.1 includes support for BBM 6.0 and has incremental updates to the user interface and application performance.
For further info go to foursquare.com or download it directly at 4sq.com/downloadbb or click here to get it from BlackBerry App World.

Download OTA (local link) :
For OS 4.7.0  :  http://bit.ly/oHbXcP
For OS 5.0.0  :  http://bit.ly/q0987C
For OS 6.0.0  :  http://bit.ly/q5FymV

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Berryslider Buat BB Javelin

apa gunanya sih? Anda akan lebih aman dalam mengantongi bb anda takut kepencet, malah jadi ngaco tuh bb! Tampilan yang lebih keren seperti iphone berikut linknya ane bagi-bagi dah! tapi langsung dari hp yach!
Berryslider for javelin (DOWNLOAD in HERE)

Kumpulan OS Blackberry 2